featured What Size, Length, and Quantity of Dock Line Do You Need?
To keep your boat in place once a day of sailing is done, it is crucial to not only have a high quality of line but to also have the...
How to Care For and Maintain a Dock Line
To care for and maintain a dock line, wash it every few months. The majority of boaters will replace their lines every 2 - 4 years, but during that time...
How to Choose the Best Size Dock Lines
To choose the best dock line, consider the size and type. This can include the type of rope, length, and diameter. These factors will change depending on what size of...
How Long Can You Use a Dock Line?
Great question. I will use some 40 years of experience in the pleasure and commercial boating field to answer that question.
What Is the Purpose of a Dock Line?
The purpose of a dock line is to keep your boat anchored and in place at the dock. Dock lines can be used in both more permanent and situational or...
Oversizing Dock Lines
We get asked a lot about over sizing dock lines. We have a suggested size chart on the web site and it is certain a reasonable suggested size for most...
Nylon vs. Polyester
There sometimes seems to be some confusion between Nylon and Polyester rope. Are they the same or are they different ? They are different and in our industry sometimes serve...
HMPE fibers are grouped and spun together to form strands. As explained in another discussions these strands are spun together in “S” strands and in “Z” strands.